Minggu, 19 Januari 2014


Ayani Mega Mall is the largest shopping center in the city of Pontianak in West Kalimantan as well . Ayani Region Mega Mall stands on an area of ​​185,000 square meters , consists of five building blocks of the mall and shop , while the area of ​​the mall building itself is 100,000 square meters , on Jalan Ahmad Yani adjacent to the Mercure Hotel . The mall was built in 2003 and officially opened on Thursday, May 19, 2005 . The mall consists of 4 floors ( G , 1 , 2 , 3 ) with tenants - tenants who are already well -known as a great company nationally and internationally .
The tenants include Hypermart , Scholastic , Ayani Cinema XXI , Matahari Department Store , KFC , A & W , Pizza Hut , Amazon , Ice Teler 77 , J.CO Donuts , Dunkin ' Donuts , Fiesta Food Court , Fun Station , Giordano , Coconut Island , Ace Hardware , The Executive , Planet Surf , X8 , Solaria , Kharisma bookstore , and many more . Ayani Mega Mall also features a 5-storey parking building is located next to the mall .
Ayani Mega Mall is a family mall concept to provide all the needs of the family in one place 

Sabtu, 18 Januari 2014


Kapuas main square garden is one of many kinds of tourist attractions in the city of Pontianak. Kapuas Square Park is located in front of the office of the mayor who was one of "public open space" is quite popular in the city of Pontianak. If you come to the city of Pontianak pity if you miss a visit to this place. Kapuas plaza is a favorite place for residents of Pontianak city or even from out of town even for a fun and relaxing evening walk, because the place is very representative for these things. Not infrequently also various community get together in this place, like the photography community who often take photos, or other communities are just relaxing afternoon together. 
Kapuas square garden is also often used as a display of fireworks on New Year's Eve celebrations.


Pasir Panjang beach is located in District Seventeen, Singkawang, West Kalimantan Province. This beach is Pasir Panjang beach named for its beaches long stretches at sea along 3 Km. This beach has beautiful white sand and calm waves. This beach can be reached by driving for 20 minutes (17 km) from the center toward Singkawang Pontianak. 
Wide sand beaches make this area clean and comfortable to use for sunbathing or doing sports activities, such as beach volleyball and beach soccer. 
When you get bored on the beach, visitors can see the fishing village community life which is not too far from the beach, or relax in shelters located in Peninsular Love.

Equator Monument

Equator Monument  located on the Equator Road , North Pontianak , West Kalimantan . The location is about 3 miles from the center of Pontianak , the direction of the city Mempawah .
This monument became one of the tourist icon Pontianak and always visited by the public , especially tourists who come to the city of Pontianak .
The history of the construction of this monument can be read in the records contained within the building .

Notes on the Equator Monument
In the note stated that : Based on records obtained in 1941 from V. en . Wiese W by opzichter Bijdragen tot de quoted geographie of Chef Van den topographischen dienst in Nederlandsch- Indie : Den 31 maart 1928 sten come in Pontianak the International expedition led by a Dutch geographer to determine the point / milestone equator in the city Pontianak with the following construction :
a. The first monument built in 1928 with an arrow -shaped milestone .
b . 1930 refined , shaped and milestones with a circle of arrows .
c . 1938 rebuilt to perfection by opzicter / architech Silaban . The original monument can be seen on the inside .
d . Year 1990 , back Equator monument was renovated with the manufacture of the dome to protect the original monument and the making of duplicate monument with size five times larger than the original monument . Opening on September 21 , 1991.
Building the monument consists of 4 pieces of wood milestone purchase ( iron wood ) , each 0.30 meters in diameter , with a height of milestones by the two front height of 3.05 meters and a rear milestone where the circle and arrow pointing direction as high as 4 , 40 meters .
The diameter of the circle in the middle it says EVENAAR along 2.11 meters . 2.15 meters long directions .
Posts plate below the arrows shown 109o 20 ' OLvGr shows the location of the founding of the equator monument on East Longitude .
In March 2005, the Team Assessment and Application of Technology Agency ( BPPT ) to make corrections to determine the location of the zero point of the equator in Pontianak . The correction is done by using a combination of terrestrial and extraterrestrial method that uses global positioning system ( GPS ) and stake - out zero-point corrected equator
The results of measurements by BPPT team , showed the exact position of the Equator monument is currently located at 0 degrees , 0 minutes , 3.809 seconds north latitude , and , 109 degrees , 19 minutes , 19.9 seconds east longitude
Meanwhile , the position of 0 degrees , 0 minutes and 0 seconds turns through the park or exactly 117 yards from the Kapuas River toward the direction of the current monument . In a place that's now built a new pole is made ​​of PVC pipe and parts of the east-west line marked with raffia .
Regarding the position stated in the monument ( 0 degrees , 0 minutes and 0 seconds latitude , 109 degrees 20 minutes , 0 seconds east longitude ) , based on the results of the tracking team BPPT , the point was located 1.2 miles from the Equator Monument , exactly behind the house Congratulations on Jl River , downstream Siantan village .
Important and amazing events around the time of the Equator monument is the culmination point of the sun , which is a natural phenomenon when the sun was directly above the equator . At that time the position of the sun will be directly above the head thereby eliminating all shadows of objects on the surface of the earth . At the culmination of the event , the shadow monument will " disappear " a few seconds when exposed to sunlight . Likewise, the shadow of other objects around the monument .
Sun culmination of events that occurs twice a year , between the date of March 21 to 23 and 21 to 23 September . This natural event becomes an annual event Pontianak city attractive tourist arrivals


Arts and Culture

Traditional dances
Dance Monong / Manang / Baliatn , a healing dance contained in all the Dayak community . This dance serves as a repellent / cure / antidote to the disease so that the patient can recover with the dancers acting like a shaman incantations . This dance comes when the shaman is in a trance , and dance is part of a traditional ceremony Bemanang / Balian .
Pingan Dance , Dance is the Dayak community Mualang Single District Sekadau that in the present as an entertainment dance community for sustenance / good luck / food given by God . The use of dance as a medium Pingan attraction and dance culture departs from the ancestral past which is closely related to the reception / welcoming guests / hero .
Merupkan Jonggan dance social dance community in the area of the Dayak Kanayatn Kubu Raya , Mempawah , porcupine which can still be found and enjoyed visually , the dance meceritakan joy and happiness in the association Dayak youths . In this dance the guests who come are generally invited to dance together .
Kondan dance is a social dance accompanied by traditional music and rhymes Sanggau Kapuas Dayak , sometimes Kondan art is accompanied by a guitar . This is Kondan art greeting happiness to guests who visit and stay overnight in the area . This art is done by dancing and unrequited rhyme .
Kinyah Uut Danum , is a typical war dance Uut Danum Dayak groups who demonstrate agility and vigilance in the face of the enemy . Today 's Kinyah Uut Danum shown in many specific events or when welcoming guests who visit . This dance is very hard to learn because in addition to using Ahpang ( Saber ) the original , as well as a very dynamic movement , so people will be less vibrant physical fatigue quickly .
Zapin dance in West Kalimantan Malay society , is a social dance in society , as the media said happiness in relationships . If he uses the property Tembung called Zapin Tembung , if using a fan then called Zapin fan .

Traditional Woven contained in several areas , including :
Regional Weaving Sambas
Weaving Belitang tainted area Ilong District Sekadau
Weaving Ensaid length Sintang
Weaving Kapuas Hulu

Various kinds of handicrafts can be obtained from this area , for example :
Mat mats , in Pontianak and Bengkayang area , Sintang , Kapuas Hulu , Ketapang .
Carvings , shield , saber and others contained in Pontianak and Kapuas Hulu .
Nuts Uwoi ( rattan mats motif ) Uut Danum Dayak typical .
Takui Darok ( hat patterned width ) typical Uut Danum Dayak .

Traditional cake
Traditional pastries are often found in these places , for example :
Lemang , made ​​of sticky rice in bamboo input into , a traditional food of the past society that is still preserved .
Lemper , made ​​of sticky rice that is in the content of the meat / beans are a traditional food Purun area
Fast a , made ​​of flour in it in the input bananas .
Jimut , traditional cakes on local Dayak community Mualang Belitang District Sekadau made ​​of flour formed Pimpong roundness of the ball .
Lulun , fast a kind , yamg isimya brown sugar , contained in the district Belitang Sekadau
Lempok , Dodoo made ​​of Durian
Tumpi ' , found in the Dayak community Kanayatn , made ​​from flour .
Tehpung , traditional cakes at Uut Danum Dayak , made ​​from finely ground rice sticky rice and fried . These cakes are usually made ​​on custom events , there is nothing like a boat shape , gong and others.
assorted layer cakes and pastry basket of chinese
Traditional food and cuisine [edit | edit source ]
Culinary that we can get from this area are :
Acid Spicy cuisine in the area Pontianak
Spicy Porridge regional cuisine in Sambas
Kerupok wet , a typical food Kapuas Hulu
Ale- ale , a typical food Ketapang
Pansoh , namely meat dishes in bamboo on the Dayak community .
Tiau noodles , a Chinese cuisine which is located in the city Pontianak Pontianak
Chicken Rice and Noodle Dumplings , a typical dish of Chinese residents and surrounding Singkawang


List of tribes in West Kalimantan 
Dayak tribe consists of :
Kanayatn clumps ,
Ibanic clumps ,
Clumps Bidoih ( Kidoh - Madeh ) ,
Banuaka clumps " ,
Kayaanic clumps ,
Clumps Uut Danum ,
Dayak groups who do not have independent or clumps parts , consisting of :
Iban ( Ibanic )
Bidayuh tribe ( Bidoih )
Seberuang tribe ( Ibanic )
Mualang tribe ( Ibanic )
tribal Kanayatn
Mali tribe
tribal Benawas
tribal Sekujam
tribal Sekubang
Sleepiness tribe ( Ibanic )
Lebang tribe ( Lebang Downstream and Upstream Lebang , spread over the area Tenebrous , Dedai , and Kayan Hilir )
Ketungau tribe ( Ibanic ) ( Original Ketungau kapuas upstream regions , districts misguided Ketungau Sekadau , Ketungau Banyor Belitang area .
Tribal Village ( Ibanic )
Hovongan tribe ( Kayanic )
Uheng tribe Kereho ( Kayanic )
tribes Act
Badat tribe
Barai tribe
Bugau tribe ( Ibanic )
Bukat tribe ( Kayanic )
Tribal Galik ( Bidoih )
Gun Tribe ( Bidoih )
Jangkang tribe ( Bidoih )
Kalis tribe ( Banuaka " )
Kayan tribe
Deep tribal wealth ( Kayaanic )
Kede tribe ( Ibanic )
tribal Kerambai
tribal Klemantan
tribe Post
Spare Punti / Pontetn
hirsute tribe
Ribun tribe ( Bidoih )
tribal Cempedek
In the tribe
tribal Darok
tribal Kopak
tribal Koyon
Lara tribe ( Kanaykatn )
tribal Senunang
tribal Sisakng
tribal Sintang
Suhaid tribe ( Ibanic )
Sungkung tribe ( Bidayuh )
tribal Limbai
tribal Mayau
tribal Mentebak
Thinking tribes
tribal Menyuke
tribal Sanggau
Sani tribe
tribal Sekajang
tribal Selayang
tribal Selimpat
tribal hamlet
Embaloh tribe ( Banuaka " )
tribal Empayeh
tribal Engkarong
tribal Ensanang
tribal Menyanya
tribal Merau
tribal Estuary
tribal Muduh
tribal Muluk
tribal Ngabang
tribal Ngalampan
tribal Ngamukit
tribal Nganayat
Panu tribe
tribal Pengkedang
tribal Pompakng
Humor tribes
Tell tribe
tribal Tabuas
tribal Parks
tribal Tingui
Uut Danum clumps in West Kalimantan : Dohoi , Cohie , Pangin , Limbai , Sebaung
The Malays 
Other tribes: 
tribal Pesaguan 
Minang tribe 
Batak tribe 



West Kalimantan is a province of Indonesia, located on the island of Borneo , and Pontianak is the capital . The total area of West Kalimantan Province is 146 807 km ² ( 7.53% of Indonesia) . It is the fourth largest province after Papua , East Kalimantan and Central Kalimantan .
West Kalimantan is one area that could be dubbed the province " Thousand Rivers " . The nickname is aligned with the geographical conditions that have hundreds of large and small rivers which can and often navigable . Several large rivers is still a pulse and the main line for hinterland transportation , although the road infrastructure has been able to reach most of the districts .
West Kalimantan overland borders with the state of Sarawak , a small portion Malaysia.Walaupun West Kalimantan is the sea , but West Kalimantan has dozens of large and small islands ( mostly uninhabited ) are scattered throughout Karimata Strait and Natuna Sea bordering Islands Province Riau . The number of inhabitants in the province of West Kalimantan according to the 2004 census amounts to 4,073,304 inhabitants ( 1.85 % of Indonesia's population ).
According kakawin Nagarakretagama ( 1365 ) , West Kalimantan became vassal of Majapahit , even since the days Singhasari named Bakulapura or Tanjungpura . Tanjungpura territory stretching from the Cape to Cape Sambar Dato . The island of Borneo is divided into 3 regions ancient empire state stem : Borneo ( Brunei ) , Sukadana ( Tanjungpura ) and Banjarmasin . Tanjung Dato is a mandala border Borneo ( Brunei ) with Sukadana mandala region ( Tanjungpura ) , while Tanjung Sambar mandala borders Sukadana / Tanjungpura the mandala region Banjarmasin ( Kotawaringin area ) . Barley River watershed , in Kotawaringin under the rule of Banjarmasin , while the river below the power Kendawangan Sukadana . Border inland watersheds Pinoh ( Lawai ) was included in the territory of the Kingdom Kotawaringin ( subordinate Banjarmasin ) According to the Hikayat Banjar ( 1663 ) , the country Sambas , Sukadana and lands in Balitang Lawai Lawai or rods ( the ancient name of the river Kapuas ) never be conquered kingdom Banjar or ever send tributes since the days of the Hindu , even King Panembahan Sambas has delivered a tribute in the form of two large diamond grains are named Si and Si Misim Giwang . In 1604 the first time the Dutch trade with Sukadana .
Since October 1, 1609 , the Kingdom of Sambas Panembahan be VOC Dutch protectorate . Although the latter country under the rule of law Sambas Sambas Panembahan king who was a prince of Brunei , but the country remains Sambas are not included in the mandala Brunei . October 20, 1756 as per the agreement the Dutch VOC promised to help the Sultan of Banjar Tamjidullah I returned to conquer areas such Sanggau breakaway , Sintang and Lawai ( Melawi ) , while other areas are owned by the Sultanate of Banten , except Sambas . According to the deed dated March 26, 1778 and Sukadana Hedgehogs country ( most of Kalbar ) handed over to the Dutch VOC by the Sultan of Banten . These are the areas which initially belonged to the Dutch VOC protectorate besides Sambas .
In the same year the first Alkadrie Abdurrahman Sharif was sworn in Banjarmasin as Prince is Prince Syarif Abdurrahman Nur Alam sanctioned by the Dutch VOC as a Sultan of Pontianak is the first in the territory of the Netherlands belongs .
In 1789 the Sultan of Pontianak assisted Lan Fang Kongsi Dutch VOC instructed to occupy the country and then conquering Sanggau Mempawah . On May 4, 1826 Sultan of Banjar handed Adam Barley , Sintang and Lawai ( Melawi ) to the Dutch East Indies colonial administration .
In 1846 the Dutch colony on the island of Borneo obtain special government as Dependencies Borneo . The west coast of Borneo consists of resident assistant Sambas and Pontianak resident assistant . Sambas division covers an area of Tanjung Dato until Doeri estuaries . While Pontianak division under the resident assistant district includes Pontianak Pontianak , Mempawah , Porcupine , Kubu , Simpang , Sukadana , Matan , Tayan , Meliau , Sanggau , Sekadau , Sintang , Melawi , Sepapoe , Belitang , Silat , Salimbau , Piassa , Jongkong , Boenoet , Malor , Parks , Ketan , and Poenan [ 18 ] According to the Statute van Indie Nederlandisch 1849 , 14 areas in the region are included in the wester - based Besluit van den afdeeling Minister van Staat , Gouverneur - Generaal van Nederlandsch - Indie , on August 27 1849 , No. . 8 . In 1855 , the country entered into the region Sambas Dutch East Indies became the Residency Sambas .
According to Hikayat Malaysia , Brunei , and Singapore region that can not be controlled from the Hindu kingdom until the Muslim empire in West Kalimantan are mostly from West Kalimantan Sambas and surrounding areas such as the State , and according to the Hikayat Banjar Negara Brunei Darussalam is false and not made ​​of the Sultanate of Banjar alone but of the hands that want to ruin the name of West Kalimantan and distributed throughout Indonesia to date , because according to research experts in the world of Foreign psychologists Sambas never lost and defeated by any country .
In the reign of the Dutch East Indies by Decree of the Governor -General , published in 1938 No. STB . 352 , among others, and establishes that the capital of the administrative region Gouvernement Borneo in Banjarmasin divided based on 2 Residentir , one of which is Residentie Westerafdeeling Van Pontianak Borneo with the capital led by a Resident . On January 1, 1957 officially became West Kalimantan province on Borneo island stands alone , based on Law No. 25 of 1956 dated December 7, 1956 . The law is also the basis for the formation of two other provinces in the archipelago 's largest island . Both provinces are South Kalimantan and East Kalimantan .

Natural conditions 
The climate in West Kalimantan wet tropical climates, rainfall evenly distributed throughout the year with peak rainfall occurring in January and October temperatures average between 26.0 s / d 27.0 and average humidity between 80% between s / d 90% .