Sabtu, 18 Januari 2014


Arts and Culture

Traditional dances
Dance Monong / Manang / Baliatn , a healing dance contained in all the Dayak community . This dance serves as a repellent / cure / antidote to the disease so that the patient can recover with the dancers acting like a shaman incantations . This dance comes when the shaman is in a trance , and dance is part of a traditional ceremony Bemanang / Balian .
Pingan Dance , Dance is the Dayak community Mualang Single District Sekadau that in the present as an entertainment dance community for sustenance / good luck / food given by God . The use of dance as a medium Pingan attraction and dance culture departs from the ancestral past which is closely related to the reception / welcoming guests / hero .
Merupkan Jonggan dance social dance community in the area of the Dayak Kanayatn Kubu Raya , Mempawah , porcupine which can still be found and enjoyed visually , the dance meceritakan joy and happiness in the association Dayak youths . In this dance the guests who come are generally invited to dance together .
Kondan dance is a social dance accompanied by traditional music and rhymes Sanggau Kapuas Dayak , sometimes Kondan art is accompanied by a guitar . This is Kondan art greeting happiness to guests who visit and stay overnight in the area . This art is done by dancing and unrequited rhyme .
Kinyah Uut Danum , is a typical war dance Uut Danum Dayak groups who demonstrate agility and vigilance in the face of the enemy . Today 's Kinyah Uut Danum shown in many specific events or when welcoming guests who visit . This dance is very hard to learn because in addition to using Ahpang ( Saber ) the original , as well as a very dynamic movement , so people will be less vibrant physical fatigue quickly .
Zapin dance in West Kalimantan Malay society , is a social dance in society , as the media said happiness in relationships . If he uses the property Tembung called Zapin Tembung , if using a fan then called Zapin fan .

Traditional Woven contained in several areas , including :
Regional Weaving Sambas
Weaving Belitang tainted area Ilong District Sekadau
Weaving Ensaid length Sintang
Weaving Kapuas Hulu

Various kinds of handicrafts can be obtained from this area , for example :
Mat mats , in Pontianak and Bengkayang area , Sintang , Kapuas Hulu , Ketapang .
Carvings , shield , saber and others contained in Pontianak and Kapuas Hulu .
Nuts Uwoi ( rattan mats motif ) Uut Danum Dayak typical .
Takui Darok ( hat patterned width ) typical Uut Danum Dayak .

Traditional cake
Traditional pastries are often found in these places , for example :
Lemang , made ​​of sticky rice in bamboo input into , a traditional food of the past society that is still preserved .
Lemper , made ​​of sticky rice that is in the content of the meat / beans are a traditional food Purun area
Fast a , made ​​of flour in it in the input bananas .
Jimut , traditional cakes on local Dayak community Mualang Belitang District Sekadau made ​​of flour formed Pimpong roundness of the ball .
Lulun , fast a kind , yamg isimya brown sugar , contained in the district Belitang Sekadau
Lempok , Dodoo made ​​of Durian
Tumpi ' , found in the Dayak community Kanayatn , made ​​from flour .
Tehpung , traditional cakes at Uut Danum Dayak , made ​​from finely ground rice sticky rice and fried . These cakes are usually made ​​on custom events , there is nothing like a boat shape , gong and others.
assorted layer cakes and pastry basket of chinese
Traditional food and cuisine [edit | edit source ]
Culinary that we can get from this area are :
Acid Spicy cuisine in the area Pontianak
Spicy Porridge regional cuisine in Sambas
Kerupok wet , a typical food Kapuas Hulu
Ale- ale , a typical food Ketapang
Pansoh , namely meat dishes in bamboo on the Dayak community .
Tiau noodles , a Chinese cuisine which is located in the city Pontianak Pontianak
Chicken Rice and Noodle Dumplings , a typical dish of Chinese residents and surrounding Singkawang

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