Sabtu, 18 Januari 2014


West Kalimantan is a province of Indonesia, located on the island of Borneo , and Pontianak is the capital . The total area of West Kalimantan Province is 146 807 km ² ( 7.53% of Indonesia) . It is the fourth largest province after Papua , East Kalimantan and Central Kalimantan .
West Kalimantan is one area that could be dubbed the province " Thousand Rivers " . The nickname is aligned with the geographical conditions that have hundreds of large and small rivers which can and often navigable . Several large rivers is still a pulse and the main line for hinterland transportation , although the road infrastructure has been able to reach most of the districts .
West Kalimantan overland borders with the state of Sarawak , a small portion Malaysia.Walaupun West Kalimantan is the sea , but West Kalimantan has dozens of large and small islands ( mostly uninhabited ) are scattered throughout Karimata Strait and Natuna Sea bordering Islands Province Riau . The number of inhabitants in the province of West Kalimantan according to the 2004 census amounts to 4,073,304 inhabitants ( 1.85 % of Indonesia's population ).
According kakawin Nagarakretagama ( 1365 ) , West Kalimantan became vassal of Majapahit , even since the days Singhasari named Bakulapura or Tanjungpura . Tanjungpura territory stretching from the Cape to Cape Sambar Dato . The island of Borneo is divided into 3 regions ancient empire state stem : Borneo ( Brunei ) , Sukadana ( Tanjungpura ) and Banjarmasin . Tanjung Dato is a mandala border Borneo ( Brunei ) with Sukadana mandala region ( Tanjungpura ) , while Tanjung Sambar mandala borders Sukadana / Tanjungpura the mandala region Banjarmasin ( Kotawaringin area ) . Barley River watershed , in Kotawaringin under the rule of Banjarmasin , while the river below the power Kendawangan Sukadana . Border inland watersheds Pinoh ( Lawai ) was included in the territory of the Kingdom Kotawaringin ( subordinate Banjarmasin ) According to the Hikayat Banjar ( 1663 ) , the country Sambas , Sukadana and lands in Balitang Lawai Lawai or rods ( the ancient name of the river Kapuas ) never be conquered kingdom Banjar or ever send tributes since the days of the Hindu , even King Panembahan Sambas has delivered a tribute in the form of two large diamond grains are named Si and Si Misim Giwang . In 1604 the first time the Dutch trade with Sukadana .
Since October 1, 1609 , the Kingdom of Sambas Panembahan be VOC Dutch protectorate . Although the latter country under the rule of law Sambas Sambas Panembahan king who was a prince of Brunei , but the country remains Sambas are not included in the mandala Brunei . October 20, 1756 as per the agreement the Dutch VOC promised to help the Sultan of Banjar Tamjidullah I returned to conquer areas such Sanggau breakaway , Sintang and Lawai ( Melawi ) , while other areas are owned by the Sultanate of Banten , except Sambas . According to the deed dated March 26, 1778 and Sukadana Hedgehogs country ( most of Kalbar ) handed over to the Dutch VOC by the Sultan of Banten . These are the areas which initially belonged to the Dutch VOC protectorate besides Sambas .
In the same year the first Alkadrie Abdurrahman Sharif was sworn in Banjarmasin as Prince is Prince Syarif Abdurrahman Nur Alam sanctioned by the Dutch VOC as a Sultan of Pontianak is the first in the territory of the Netherlands belongs .
In 1789 the Sultan of Pontianak assisted Lan Fang Kongsi Dutch VOC instructed to occupy the country and then conquering Sanggau Mempawah . On May 4, 1826 Sultan of Banjar handed Adam Barley , Sintang and Lawai ( Melawi ) to the Dutch East Indies colonial administration .
In 1846 the Dutch colony on the island of Borneo obtain special government as Dependencies Borneo . The west coast of Borneo consists of resident assistant Sambas and Pontianak resident assistant . Sambas division covers an area of Tanjung Dato until Doeri estuaries . While Pontianak division under the resident assistant district includes Pontianak Pontianak , Mempawah , Porcupine , Kubu , Simpang , Sukadana , Matan , Tayan , Meliau , Sanggau , Sekadau , Sintang , Melawi , Sepapoe , Belitang , Silat , Salimbau , Piassa , Jongkong , Boenoet , Malor , Parks , Ketan , and Poenan [ 18 ] According to the Statute van Indie Nederlandisch 1849 , 14 areas in the region are included in the wester - based Besluit van den afdeeling Minister van Staat , Gouverneur - Generaal van Nederlandsch - Indie , on August 27 1849 , No. . 8 . In 1855 , the country entered into the region Sambas Dutch East Indies became the Residency Sambas .
According to Hikayat Malaysia , Brunei , and Singapore region that can not be controlled from the Hindu kingdom until the Muslim empire in West Kalimantan are mostly from West Kalimantan Sambas and surrounding areas such as the State , and according to the Hikayat Banjar Negara Brunei Darussalam is false and not made ​​of the Sultanate of Banjar alone but of the hands that want to ruin the name of West Kalimantan and distributed throughout Indonesia to date , because according to research experts in the world of Foreign psychologists Sambas never lost and defeated by any country .
In the reign of the Dutch East Indies by Decree of the Governor -General , published in 1938 No. STB . 352 , among others, and establishes that the capital of the administrative region Gouvernement Borneo in Banjarmasin divided based on 2 Residentir , one of which is Residentie Westerafdeeling Van Pontianak Borneo with the capital led by a Resident . On January 1, 1957 officially became West Kalimantan province on Borneo island stands alone , based on Law No. 25 of 1956 dated December 7, 1956 . The law is also the basis for the formation of two other provinces in the archipelago 's largest island . Both provinces are South Kalimantan and East Kalimantan .

Natural conditions 
The climate in West Kalimantan wet tropical climates, rainfall evenly distributed throughout the year with peak rainfall occurring in January and October temperatures average between 26.0 s / d 27.0 and average humidity between 80% between s / d 90% .

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