Equator Monument located on the Equator Road , North Pontianak , West Kalimantan . The location is about 3 miles from the center of Pontianak , the direction of the city Mempawah .
This monument became one of the tourist icon Pontianak and always visited by the public , especially tourists who come to the city of Pontianak .
The history of the construction of this monument can be read in the records contained within the building .
Notes on the Equator Monument
In the note stated that : Based on records obtained in 1941 from V. en . Wiese W by opzichter Bijdragen tot de quoted geographie of Chef Van den topographischen dienst in Nederlandsch- Indie : Den 31 maart 1928 sten come in Pontianak the International expedition led by a Dutch geographer to determine the point / milestone equator in the city Pontianak with the following construction :
a. The first monument built in 1928 with an arrow -shaped milestone .
b . 1930 refined , shaped and milestones with a circle of arrows .
c . 1938 rebuilt to perfection by opzicter / architech Silaban . The original monument can be seen on the inside .
d . Year 1990 , back Equator monument was renovated with the manufacture of the dome to protect the original monument and the making of duplicate monument with size five times larger than the original monument . Opening on September 21 , 1991.
Building the monument consists of 4 pieces of wood milestone purchase ( iron wood ) , each 0.30 meters in diameter , with a height of milestones by the two front height of 3.05 meters and a rear milestone where the circle and arrow pointing direction as high as 4 , 40 meters .
The diameter of the circle in the middle it says EVENAAR along 2.11 meters . 2.15 meters long directions .
Posts plate below the arrows shown 109o 20 ' OLvGr shows the location of the founding of the equator monument on East Longitude .
In March 2005, the Team Assessment and Application of Technology Agency ( BPPT ) to make corrections to determine the location of the zero point of the equator in Pontianak . The correction is done by using a combination of terrestrial and extraterrestrial method that uses global positioning system ( GPS ) and stake - out zero-point corrected equator
The results of measurements by BPPT team , showed the exact position of the Equator monument is currently located at 0 degrees , 0 minutes , 3.809 seconds north latitude , and , 109 degrees , 19 minutes , 19.9 seconds east longitude
Meanwhile , the position of 0 degrees , 0 minutes and 0 seconds turns through the park or exactly 117 yards from the Kapuas River toward the direction of the current monument . In a place that's now built a new pole is made of PVC pipe and parts of the east-west line marked with raffia .
Regarding the position stated in the monument ( 0 degrees , 0 minutes and 0 seconds latitude , 109 degrees 20 minutes , 0 seconds east longitude ) , based on the results of the tracking team BPPT , the point was located 1.2 miles from the Equator Monument , exactly behind the house Congratulations on Jl River , downstream Siantan village .
Important and amazing events around the time of the Equator monument is the culmination point of the sun , which is a natural phenomenon when the sun was directly above the equator . At that time the position of the sun will be directly above the head thereby eliminating all shadows of objects on the surface of the earth . At the culmination of the event , the shadow monument will " disappear " a few seconds when exposed to sunlight . Likewise, the shadow of other objects around the monument .
Sun culmination of events that occurs twice a year , between the date of March 21 to 23 and 21 to 23 September . This natural event becomes an annual event Pontianak city attractive tourist arrivals
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